Please see the department website for current syllabi.
Recent Courses Taught
POLI 329: Russian and Soviet Politics
The attempt to redefine and recreate the Russian state from
the ashes of the Soviet Union has represented one of the
greatest political, economic, and social challenges of our
time. This course invites students to investigate this
transformation by providing a broad introduction to Russian
and Soviet politics. The first part of the course covers the
Soviet era from the Russian Revolution of 1917 through
Gorbachev's reforms in the 1980s, while the second part
explores the political, economic, and national identity
transformations underway in contemporary post-Soviet Russia.
POLI 420: Memory, Place, and Power
This interdisciplinary class explores the
relationships among memory, place, and political power. The
course begins with an introduction to key classical,
Enlightenment, and contemporary texts on memory and
place-making. It then uses this foundation to examine the
symbolic transformation of public space, in particular the
construction, alteration, and destruction of monuments,
memorials, and museums in post-communist states and in North
America. This approach emphasizes the social quality of
memory, exploring the ways in which political interests,
economic resources, and social practices can shape something
as ostensibly personal and individual as memory. The class
is co-taught with Prof.
Benjamin Forest, and is cross-listed with GEOG
POLI 524: Honours Seminar – Census, Map, Museum:
Identity and the State
This course builds on Benedict Anderson’s iconic essay Census,
Map, Museum to examine the ways in which the
contemporary state affects the individual and collective
identities of its citizenry through its efforts to count
them, map them, and define their shared pasts. While
Anderson focused on Southeast Asia, we examine these
governance strategies and their implications primarily in
the North American and European contexts. This course
self-consciously blends the theoretical and the practical,
looking not only at why states engage in these
activities, but precisely how they do so and with
what consequences.
POLI 628: Proseminar in Comparative Politics
This course introduces graduate students to the complex,
fascinating, and ever-changing field of comparative
politics. This course self-consciously operates on three
levels: the theoretical, the methodological, and the
empirical. Theoretically, we will focus on the evolution of
the main disciplinary debates in comparative politics such
as those surrounding democratization, nationalism,
institutions, and the interaction of the state and the
market. Methodologically, we will discuss the various tools
and approaches that scholars use to compare political
phenomena. Empirically, we will look at how these theories
and methods have been applied to the real world and with
what results. The course thus gives students the basic means
with which to progress from critical consumers of
comparative political research to active, engaged producers
of it.
POLI 629 Post-Communist Transformations
Between 1989 and 1991, Communist-party governments in
East-Central Europe, the Balkans, and the Soviet Union fell
with stunning rapidity. In this course, we will explore the
unprecedented “triple transition” in political institutions,
economic systems, and national identities that resulted from
this systemic breakdown. In doing so, we will examine and
critically evaluate theoretical attempts to illuminate these
processes and to explain the different developmental
trajectories upon which these post-communist states
POLI 659 Interdisciplinary Seminar in European
This course presents graduate students with the opportunity
to explore cutting-edge research in European studies across
the disciplines of political science, history, and law. It
is built around the Jean Monnet Centre Montreal fall speaker
series, in which students read guest presenters’ work ahead
of time and serve as discussants. The series has a different
theme every year: recent themes have included Europe and
Memory, European Political Economy, and Post-Communist
Europe. Students in this course will also develop their own
research proposals, papers, grant applications, or thesis
chapters. Although this is the core course for the European
Studies Option, any graduate student with an interest
in European studies is welcome to enroll.
POLI 700: PhD Research Seminar
Effectively sharing one’s research in written and oral form
is among the most important yet most elusive academic
skills. The seminar follows a workshop format. Each week
will be organized around a draft text provided by one of the
participants. Depending on their stage in the program,
students may present draft dissertation chapters, conference
papers, prospectuses, grant proposals, journal articles, or
job talks. Each session will involve a discussant, and
participants will present at least once and discuss at least
once during the year. This course is a mandatory,
departmental-wide research seminar for all advanced Ph.D.
students living in Montreal.
BEAR Montreal Summer School 2018
This Summer
School, organized by the Jean Monnet BEAR Network
(“Between the EU and Russia: Dimensions of Diversity and
Contestation”), examines the EU and Russia as transnational
actors in regards to regional integration, “soft power,” and
societal activism.